grub boot error : “symbol ‘grub_calloc’ not found
After updating grub2 and rebooting, my server does not boot:
Booting from Hard Disk 0... error: symbol `grub_calloc' not found. Entering rescue mode... grub rescue> _
You have to detach you /dev/sda1 volume from the ec2 instance.
Mount it on another server (probably start a new temp rescue server with the same operating system)
Login in to the rescue server and
$ sudo su - # mkdir /rescue # mount /dev/sdc1 /rescue # for fs in {proc,sys,tmp,dev}; do mount -o bind /$fs /rescue/$fs; done # cd /rescue # chroot /rescue # lsblk <-- this will identify the attached disk, usualy /dev/sdc # grub-install /dev/sdc # exit # cd / # for fs in {proc,sys,tmp,dev}; do umount /rescue/$fs; done # umount /rescue
detach fixed volume from rescue server
attach it back to the original server (as /dev/sda1)