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Enable/Disable ENA support on aws ec2

To enable ENA support, run one of the following commands: aws ec2 modify-instance-attribute --instance-id instance_id --ena-support If you encounter problems when you restart the instance, you can also disable ENA support using one of the following commands: aws ec2 modify-instance-attribute…

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Import Your VM as an EC2/AMI Image   After exporting your VM from your virtualization environment, you can import it to Amazon EC2. The import process is the same regardless of the origin of the VM. Tasks Prerequisites Import the VM Check the Status of the…

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How can I check /dev/xvda1?

You can check or run fsck on /dev/xvda1 using the following method on Ubuntu or Debian Linux based cloud server. The fsck command is used check and repair a Linux filesystem Step 1 – Force fsck Type the following command to…

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Add EBS to Ubuntu EC2 Instance

source: additional info: Since this is a new volume, you need to format the EBS volume (block device) with a file system between step 1 and step 2. So the entire process with your sample mount point is:…

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