Upgrade Drupal from command line (drush)
First refresh the list of available updates so Drush knows there is a new release for Drupal. drush rf # pm-refresh and then drush up drupal Done!
First refresh the list of available updates so Drush knows there is a new release for Drupal. drush rf # pm-refresh and then drush up drupal Done!
"Installing modules and themes requires FTP access to your server" source: http://allabouttodd.com/ecommerce/drupal-7-update-manager-unable-connect-ftp chown -R www-data {your_drupal_root_directory_name_here}
cd /var/www/domain.com/web/ drush dl drupal --drupal-project-rename=new-directory-name chown www-data:www-data new-directory-name -R chmod 755 new-directory-name -R chmod 777 new-directory-name/sites/default -R cp new-directory-name/sites/default/default-settings.php new-directory-name/sites/default/settings.php drush site-install standard --db-url=mysql://user:pass@db.host.net/db_name --site-name=your_site_name --account-name=admin --account-pass=your_password --OR-- start the installation from the browser http://domain.com/new-directory-name/ after the installation is…
https://drupal.org/node/244924 ideal permissions: chmod 644 * -R chmod +X * -R chmod 775 tmp chmod 775 sites/default/files -R
Rule name: checkYear Column: value PHP code: if ($this->value <= intval(Date('Y'))) { $this->set_error(); } Custom error message: The accepted value for year must be .... see example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeHdcBFk2Os at 47:30